Selling: Is it a Four-Letter Word?
Let’s face it no one likes to be sold to. But most jobs whether working for a corporation or an individual business owner you are selling to someone. It may not even feel like selling to you but it is. Convincing your boss your project should take priority, asking for for that promotion or raise, or interviewing for that perfect job. But here is the thing when you share information, educate people about what you do, why you do it and this resonates within you, then would you not consider changing how you view selling?
We grew up selling. We worked our parents convincing them to buy us the latest trend or take us to wherever we wanted to go. Children watch adults and learn from them. Wouldn’t it be great if we could take what we learned as a child, bring it into adulthood, and not feel guilty about it? Wouldn’t be amazing if learning this skill was considered positive instead of negative? I see people excelling at their jobs; their businesses and I wonder what were they taught as a child? Were they given the tools for success or were they deprived as a child? People are driven by different circumstances. I have learned not to judge anyone based on any characteristic, circumstance, financial status, religion, etc. I cannot list everything but you get the idea.
All of my adult life I have been in some type of sales but never really thought about it up until a few years ago when I became dependent upon myself and the commissions I make. It is very different when you receive a paycheck from a corporation. I am not making any judgments here because I do supplement my income in different ways. My supervisor at my “job” observes how other people act and recognizes how people sell themselves in different ways. So why not look at this in a different light and really think about how we sell. I look at selling as educating. This is new for me and it would have been amazing to have this knowledge years ago but I probably was not ready for it until now.
Observing and learning from others is important to me in order to grow my business. I believe today that I am not selling but educating people on a different way of life; a way that not everyone is open to but another way of looking at life and what our purpose is here on this earth.
Surround yourself with successful people. This success comes in different forms. It all depends on what your definition of success is. That is the really cool part of this. Everyone has their own path whether or not they choose to look at it and go in that direction. It takes some longer than others (like me) and others get it straight out of the gate. All along we are selling whether we realize it or not. So go out there, have fun and sell!
Until next time…