Storytelling: Tell Your Story You Just Might Help Someone Tell Theirs
I would like to tell you a bit of my story. I did not attend college after graduating high school; I went straight into the workforce. I began working in the retail industry and worked my way up to management.
I stayed with my first company for 19 years until the company went out of business. I worked for three other corporations and it was at that last company that I realized I would not go any further because I was lacking a college degree. I decided to go back to school. My life and career seemed to be at a standstill and it was time to make a change. I decided to try one class to see if I could do it. Not only could I do it, but also I loved it! So began my journey of getting my degree. I enjoyed learning, keeping busy, and not being a couch potato any longer. I met a lot of different people and felt alive again, well almost. My job was not going well so at least I had school to keep me going. I received my Associates Degree in Business Administration in 2013. I am continuing towards my bachelor’s degree in Communications.
I am telling you the next part of my story because it ties into what happened to my corporate life. Towards the end of 2010, one snowy day I was driving uphill and a vehicle in the other lane lost control and hit me head on. Both airbags went off and I was knocked out (I believe physically and emotionally). My body was traumatized and I ended up having back surgery because nothing else could help me. I can tell you this that a power greater than me had plans for me to slow my life down.
The surgery helped me but needless to say my body was not the same. I was not able to do the things I needed to do to take care of myself, my home, and having a physical job I was not able to perform my duties at full capacity. I was pushing my body at work because of the fear of losing that job. Well, I did lose that job and honestly it was a blessing in disguise. I continued with school because it was the one thing besides my dogs (my kids) that made me happy.
The reason I am sharing my story is that I know there are others who have experienced similar situations and struggles. This past February 14th was my four-year anniversary of being out of the corporate world.I did not know losing my job would be the best thing that could have happened to me. I have met others who feel the same way. I had never been terminated from a job ever, but I now know that is okay as someone I met said, “I did not die.” I am surviving, even better I am thriving. I have met so many people in the past four years that I have been able to relate to because their stories are my story. So I ask you what is your story and how are you using your story to change and be your authentic you?
Until next time…