Being Organized Can Be Fun!
A question for you. Are you organized or disorganized? As an entrepreneur or an average consumer we still have receipts, paperwork, warranties, and so much more. Even though we are in the age of digital technology we still seem to have piles of paperwork. Trying to stay organized can be quite stressful. Between work, family, pets, and social obligations we cannot even keep what is important to us organized so how can we even expect ourselves to keep our paperwork together?
Well this is where I come in. Part of taking care of ourselves is taking care of every part of our lives. Yes we have our obligations and those are important. Some of us like myself say having a tidy house is not important to us but in reality it is (it is a little difficult with my dog but I work on it). For myself if I cannot find something I am just creating undo stress in my life. Having that extra bedroom as an office may not be feasible for everyone. So pick an inconspicuous spot in your kitchen or living room and dedicate it to your paperwork. A great way to do this is decorate it with whatever theme or colors your room has so it blends in and is not an eyesore. You can pick up some inexpensive file folders or file boxes, label each section and voila you have your office. What do you think? Why don’t you give it a try and see how it works for you. I find that I am always reorganizing my office space in some form or another. Especially with my 2-½ year old dog Jack. Right now my bookcases are backwards so he cannot get into trouble and I won’t lose anything I need. If you are looking for office filing cabinets or accessories a great place to look is Habit for Humanity stores. You would be amazed at the great finds. Thrift shops or even Goodwill stores are other places you can find useful accessories. Now keep it simple because you do not need a lot of stuff to keep your stuff.
Add a little inspiration to your space. A vision board if you have room or just some positive affirmations will help. This is just not about carving space out of your home for ugh paperwork. Making it warm and inviting will give it energy where you will want to take care of it. Whatever you love add it to this area within reason of course. I have some of my vision boards in front of my desk so they can inspire me daily. A few affirmations added to this are so helpful for me. I would love to hear how you stay organized or if you need help. Peace of mind is what you will find once you make your space yours.
I am a bookkeeper with a twist. I get you organized and comfortable with your space so it is no longer an albatross on your back.
Until next time…