A Little Spin For You…

Switching it up….


Hi all! Well when I started this blog I really had no idea where it would take me on my journey. It has inspired me to share my story in hopes of inspiring others. It has been a sounding board in regards to my business, my personal life, and my crazy dog Jack. I did not have any expectations and I am not pressuring myself to be perfect. I do my best to keep it real because that is important to me.

So, on that note, I am going to change things up a bit. I am still going to do my best to inspire and support all of you. I am going to begin to sprinkle in some business to educate, guide, and help you with your businesses. Because when it comes down to it entrepreneurs build up entrepreneurs. This is what my tribe does on a daily basis. We keep each other going, supporting, kicking each other in the butt when needed, and giving hugs, and most of all we refer each other.

Since I have really not written too much here is a little bit about my businesses: I love to help people. I do this financially and physically. On the financial side I am a bookkeeper specializing in working with entrepreneurs because I know how difficult it is to run a business and all of the ins and outs you have to keep track of. So I take your back office off of your hands. I get you organized and your books kept up on a monthly basis. It all depends on your needs. I can customize packages to fit each entrepreneurs needs. On the physical side I work with a health and wellness company who helps people physically suffering find some relief and help them live their lives once again. This company gave me my life back so I help others do the same. That is it plain and simple. Nothing fancy but I am fortunate and grateful that I have the ability to help others.

I am excited to announce I am working on some tips and tricks I can share with you at a later date. The best way to snag these little gems will be through my email list.

You can sign up here: http://eepurl.com/clTkNf


Thank you and until next time…


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