Finding Your Tribe

How does one go about finding their tribe? That is other than your family. I have a few different tribes depending upon what part of my life I am focused on. I have my long time friends from growing up. This tribe is the one that no matter what happens to me no matter the circumstances; this tribe sticks by me through thick and thin. We may live thousands of miles apart but when you need them they are there for you.

Then there are those friends I have developed through different work I have done. I have one tribe that gets together a few times a year to catch up and to just enjoy each other’s company. Others getting together is rare but always a good time. Others I have met networking and have developed friendships because we connected in another aspect of our lives. These connections are real, authentic, and can help bring me to new awareness’s that I would have never imagined.

One particular tribe that has dramatically changed my life is through one of my businesses. One that happened per chance-I talked about this in my last blog regarding my health. The people I have met and work with on a weekly basis continue to challenge me, support me, and inspire me to grow beyond my wildest dreams. I do not believe our paths would have not crossed had it not been for me taking a leap of faith. This tribe has helped me in so many different ways I am eternally grateful for each and every one of them. From this tribe I have come to grow and expand my mind, body, soul, and spirit.

This tribe has allowed me to bring amazing people into my life. One’s whose support of me continues to help me grow and expand. These are people who I can relate to and bring added value to my life personally and professionally. I wish this for anyone who is open to expand their ways of looking at life and what amazing gifts can come from adding to your tribe.



What is even better is finding like-minded people-they don’t even need to be in business with you but you have an amazing connection and you recommend one another’s businesses. I find the connections I have made do just that. We support each other in business. In fact one of these connections posted links to my website within her blog. I find that when I meet people I can truly connect with and their business is one I can support then respectfully I can support them in business by sharing my knowledge of what they do and how they can be of service to others. When I recommend people who I know practice what they preach I know from there my world will expand exponentially.

So I ask you, do you have a special tribe who supports you and helps nurture you to be a better person? What does this tribe mean to you and how did you find them? I would love to hear from you on how this manifests for you. Take a leap of faith, find your tribe, and hang on for an amazing journey that will raise your vibrations to a higher level of consciousness.


Until next time…


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