How Do You Keep Moving Forward?
How do you keep moving forward? It does not matter whether it is for work or home. There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week but there never seems to be enough time to keep up with life. It can get overwhelming and sometimes I think the heck with it. That is when I need to take a step back and see what is really happening underneath the chaos of my life. I ask you what do you do when this happens to you?
There was a time when I was not so busy and having that idle time can be dangerous for my mind. Idle time can mean getting into my head and not into my w. My head tells me one thing and my heart another. It is usually my heart that has the right answer. How does this work for you? The big difference for me now is that I need be even more specific with my priorities and sometimes the insanity of life skews my sense of what is important. I can feel a shift in me when this happens. My goals take a back seat and that is not healthy for my business or me. This is a little spin off of my blog juggling acts. Everyone is juggling, the difference is some people are just so organized and others well not so much.
It is when I step into the chaos that what I have for organization crumbles. I was on a business coaching call last week and we talked about how some of us are piling and others of us are filing. Which one are you? This is when I bring my toolbox out and use the tools I have learned to get me back on track. What are some of the tools in your toolbox?
The thing is it is okay to get off track once in awhile as long as it is not on a daily basis. We are all human beings and cannot be on our “game” all of the time. That would be quite tedious and draining don’t you think? Taking down time to regroup, refresh, recharge, or whatever you name it makes us so much stronger to continue our journey of discovery and success. I think for me one of my recharging tools is writing this blog. I am finding it brings out the creative side of me, gets me thinking on the right track, focuses me, and inspires me to keep moving forward. My intention is to reach as many people as possible and help as many people as I possibly can. Walt Disney wrote, “Around here we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things because we’re curious… And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” This is what I want for myself. To keep moving forward, opening myself up for new experiences, and keeping myself curious because being curious means to me that I am alive, growing, and learning. So, I ask you how are you staying curious?
Until next time…