Oh Decisions…


Sometimes coming to a decision takes time for me. Sometimes I overthink them, analyze, question, and obsess. This usually does not work too well for me and there are always signs when I do this. It is whether I am open to seeing the signs or if I need a hit over the head. By the time the latter happens I have enthralled myself in muck and mire. This happens less and less for me but truthfully it still happens. Focusing on little signs and letting go of a situation, person, or thing really works for me. But we have become so conditioned that we forget what works for us and we fall back into old behaviors easily. Does this happen to you?

I am looking at one of my vision boards and one sentence stands out for me-make one change. One change can make all the difference when we are struggling with well just about anything. I ask you what one change will you make today? For me this change can help me get a little bit closer to a decision, idea, thought, or feeling. I do not take decisions lightly. I am not talking about what to have for dinner-but then again this can be a difficult decision for some people so I will not discount nor judge anyone for that.

Signs come in different forms for everyone. It may sound hokey to you but think about it. Some people may not consider them signs, call them something else, or feel it is just their decision-making skills at work.

In today’s society we have so many different tools we can use. Technology has given us capabilities we have never even imagined. One decision I have made is to be aware of my surroundings when I am walking and not to have my head in my phone. I miss so much when I do this. I have decided to observe the beauty around me, to keep me safe knowing my surroundings, and you never know what you can experience this way. We can learn so much when we are aware. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in everything that we forget just to be. Aha another decision of mine is to just be. When I stay in the moment more ideas, thoughts, and feeling s come to me and then I can make that big decision which has been haunting me. I have been berating myself for not keeping up with my blog. Well I could say I needed time to be and let my thoughts come to me.

Now this would not be my blog if I did not mention my dog Jack. He certainly teaches me to be in the moment. Animals make split decisions without even thinking. Well we think they are not thinking but who knows what goes on in their heads. I would love to know what goes on in Jack’s head. He has definitely helped me be more aware of my surroundings and my feelings. When I am losing my patience or lets face it yelling at him for bad behavior these are all awareness’s I need to look at to change my behavior. If I am doing this with him am I doing this with the people I interact with? Food for thought… Just for today I allow signs to come to me to help me with decisions. When I do this decisions come naturally and comfortably and for this I am grateful.

Until next time…


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