A Little Nourishment for Your Soul…
Nourishing Our Souls…
How do we nourish our souls? In today’s world well at least in my opinion more people are open and honest about how they feed their souls or maybe it is just the people I choose to surround myself with today. I am passionate about feeding my body in a healthy way and helping others to do the same. I am also passionate about feeding my soul and love the journey it has given me.
In business I need to look at what I do and how it serves me in mind, body, and spirit. When I do this money will follow. In the past I only considered my job, what position I held, and how much my salary was. This thought process shifted for me when my circumstances changed. My entire outlook on the business world changed. Honestly for a long time I did not know how I felt. I thought without the status of having a job my outlook would be of shame and embarrassment. But it wasn’t. It was freeing. This was the first time I truly felt I was feeding my soul. It has taken time but today I can look at fellow entrepreneurs and truly understand where their passion comes from.
I share this with you because it is important to acknowledge one’s self worth away from what we do for a living to pay the bills. Once I acknowledged this I saw myself in a new light as a human being not a human doing. Today I have the ability to change my thoughts and beliefs to who I truly am not who the corporation I worked for expected me to be. This is feeding my soul. Opening up to new possibilities, learning new things, and making decisions for the health of my being is life changing. How have you been able to feed your soul? Looking at my visions boards this week the words, “From lost to found,” stand out to me. For years I was lost in the mire of hanging onto a job that did not fit me. Have you ever felt this way? How have your vision boards inspired you?
When I look at the benefits of nourishing my soul has given me it is astounding. I have found in my entrepreneurial journey that decisions are not permanent and it is okay to make mistakes because I can only develop more into the person I am meant to be. I have found surrounding myself with other entrepreneurs I boost myself up and am able to boost others up. One of the most amazing pieces is the people I have met and continue to meet. I would have never had this opportunity to expand my network in my past life. I have met some pretty amazing people who inspire me to keep moving forward in my journey.
Now I encourage you to continue in your journey and share your awesomeness with the world.
Until next time…