Preconceived Notions, Assumptions, Perceptions Oh My!
Ahh, preconceived notions, assumptions, and perceptions… The human race has so many different variations of these. These seem to pop up on a daily basis. How do you overcome these? How have come to handle these three anomalies? It can be tiring and draining. What I find that amazes me is you do not even realize it is happening and when it happens it throws a curve in that is difficult to bounce back from. But you can bounce back!
Bouncing back is self-care and forward motion. I do not need to sit in these three notions, assumptions, and perceptions in check. It goes both ways, as does anything else. Lately this has been happening to me and I need to look at my part in each situation. It is important to me to be a better person, a trustworthy person, a credible person, an ethical person, and a person who is open to hearing when I am wrong and have the ability to change for the better. I live in the mindset of self-development on a daily consistent basis. It is important me to grow mentally and spiritually. Learning something new everyday inspires me to improve and be a better person.
We need these reminders to help us stay in the moment, for me it is looking at myself but not beating myself up, but to see where I can improve. It is not always enjoyable but it does bring me back to me and to work and learn on how to improve myself. I can embrace my imperfections, acknowledge them, and move on to what I need to do for myself.
My goal is to attract positive people and influences into my life. I cannot do this if I do not move away from my misconceptions. I choose not to do the blame game. I choose to bring awareness, acceptance, and action into my life to help me move in the right direction. Wouldn’t it feel great to surround yourself with goodness? It brings my vibrations into a positive light and propels me to continue to work towards my goals and dreams.
Life takes us I so many directions and I know I can get caught up in “stuff.” What about you, how do you get “unstuck from the stuff?” I would love to hear from you and have you share what tools you use to overcome these.