Just Jack…
The past propels us to the present, which then propels us into the future. Ah, the past it can be so convoluted yet just what helps us move forward to the present. Life has not always been good for me. I have had my share of struggles just as everyone else has. I choose to acknowledge my past, learn from it, and see where it takes me. I have written a little bit about my past so here it comes again. But in this light I will write about what it has given me. What has your past given you? A friend posted a blog on Facebook this morning challenging the “Everything happens for a reason” quote in a blog. Sometimes I believe that but other times I know it is me who has brought me to a particular point. Whether it was me being in fear of “what might happen if I take a chance” or struggling and losing myself in hanging on to something that will eventually go away of my own making or of things out of my control. Thank you Mom for reminding me of my past. It has me reflecting of how far I have come from this past experience.
Today I choose to acknowledge what part I played and how I thought if I just tried harder and worked harder I could fix this! I am smiling right now because there was nothing I could have done to change the outcome. The only change I could have made to change the outcome was to walk away. But I was not ready for that step. I needed the proverbial kick in the butt to move me in a new direction. What kicks in the butt have you had to move you in a new direction? It is funny in a philosophical funny kind of way of where this experience has taken me. This experience has given me the opportunity to be open in ways I had never imagined were possible. I was still fearful but had made peace with my fear and welcomed what was to come.
The people I have met in the present have been propelling me to my future. Those little miraculous steps of taking a chance brought me to these people. I have so much gratitude for this. My present is nothing like I imagined it to be. I still have struggles; who doesn’t? But today I surround myself with people who care, who have similar experiences, and can help with solutions. How is your present propelling you to your future?
The future, well it is still uncertain. This is okay because I can work towards my goals and dreams without hesitating about the future. I look forward to the future because it is always bringing me to new possibilities. I can acknowledge my fears then send them on a coffee break as my business coach tells me. What do you do to send your fears on a coffee break? How has your past, present, and future changed your life?
Until next time…