What is Next for Jack?
Well I can tell you it will not be any more encounters with the groundhog! OMG that was an experience I do not want to repeat. As I have mentioned I have a groundhog living underneath my garage. Come to find out he has made a few homes in the neighborhood. This past Sunday evening Jack was out in his area while I was having dinner. I had cleaned up and he was ready to come in when he spots Mr. Groundhog and goes after him. Well the groundhog does not go through his escape hatch and they are nose to nose. Without thinking I run into the pen. Then the groundhog comes running my way! Needless to say what came out of my mouth was not pleasant! I got out and Jack corners it. Well my screaming gets some of my neighbors out to see what’s happening. They kept me somewhat calm. I honestly did not know what to do. I have dealt with rabbits, birds, and skunks but never a groundhog. I threw treats, his ball at Jack but no luck. I called the police to try to get animal control but it would take an hour. The officer on the phone probably thought I was crazy for calling. He asked me if I could get the leash around him and I told him I was calling because I had no idea what to do. While on the phone with him I had a light bulb go off. I grabbed Jack by his big fluffy tail and dragged him out. Mind you he did not react well but I got him out. Phew what a workout that was. Adrenalin pumping and relief all at once, luckily Jack had no bites and no blood on him.
Have you ever done something that put you in a corner or panicked and made a decision you regretted? Then of course fear kept you nose to nose and pride kept you from pulling back. I think this is where Jack and the groundhog were. Defensive and reactive all at once; this is quite draining. What lessons have you learned from past situations that help you in the present? I am so appreciative of my experiences whether it is a lesson learned or a successful event. But in the thick of things I do not always see it that way. Today I have gratitude around my mistakes and the growth I gain from them. It is helpful in business to have this attitude. I know that even though many have said no to me I will have those who say yes. It can be frustrating at times and I work on not taking it personally. Most times it is what is going on with the other person and not me is what it comes down to. I need to remind myself of this and keep moving forward. Tenacity is a powerful tool to stay focused on my goals. How about you? How do you use tenacity to keep you focused?
I had someone come this morning to set a trap for the groundhog. I will keep you posted on how it goes. For now Jack’s area is off limits until the groundhog is caught. Hopefully soon as this is putting a damper on daily life for us; I am a little ticked off but will get over it.
Until next time…