Hope For Jack…

Well the consultation with the dog trainer went well. We have signed on and I have hope for Jack and I. We meet next week for the first time and I have some tools to use in the meantime. Jack has a very dominant personality and this trainer is a behaviorist, which gives me hope. With the few tools I have I am already seeing a difference. I have been able to sit down for longer periods of time and it has only been one day. Jack is not very happy with me at the moment but in the long run I think we will have a wonderful life together. It feels good to have hope.

For me when I have hope my entire outlook on life changes. The mind is an amazing tool. It can be dangerous and amazing all at once. When those positive vibes start flowing you never know what will come next. I just had a session with my business-coaching group on the inner voice. This all connects for me. I am so concerned about what Jack has been through that I am overcompensating and he is one smart dog. He knows how to work his momma. How do you overcompensate in your life? Recognizing the signs and having those “ahah” moments can change my direction.

These past three months have thrown me off my compass. Introducing Jack into my life, working with him, helping him feel safe and loved even though I feel he has been fighting it subconsciously. His fears come out in different ways and he does not have control over his circumstances. Acting out is his only way to protect himself from the unknown. This training will help the both of us. I will be trained along with Jack. So I still have some learning to do.

Ah, learning this is something I love to do. It is not always easy changing how I do things or how I think but the end result is usually quite beneficial. How do you learn and grow from your experiences? Is it difficult or easy for you? I think when I am accepting and embrace the learning it goes so much easier. When I fight it all I do is hurt myself. I think when Jack learns he still is loved and cared for the training will go much easier. I am excited for our next journey together.

Just this one visit with the trainer has calmed me. I am not as crazy with Jack. I hope I can keep this up until Wednesday. There have been times I have been a crazy person and I do not like myself when I get this way with him. I was at my wits end and had no idea what to do. I was referred to this trainer through this blog. One Facebook message and I have hope. See what a little sharing can do. Amazing happenings here in the world of the Internet. How has sharing information helped you? I love when people share information and it helps someone out. We do it everyday. What information have you shared that has helped someone? Food for thought…


Until next time…


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