Words Matter…

A good friend of mine insisted I by Robert listen to “Rich Man Poor Man,” by Robert Kiyosaki. She was adamant about this. Now that I have listened to the entire book I now understand why. It has been on my lists of things to do but I was always making excuses. There are quite a few books on my wish list that are now going to make it to my get it done list. This book has changed my entire outlook on life. I believe I was in the process of changing my outlook but this book has kicked it into high gear for me.

All I can say is words do matter especially the words we tell ourselves. Just a small change in a few words can make a difference. Now when I am looking to help build my business up I need to take a look at what and how I am saying things. Instead of I can’t afford it I will turn it around and say how can I afford it. Pull the negative words out and put in the possible words. As long as I believe I can do the work I will accomplish it. This has already started happening for me. Try it and see how it changes you.

I am going to work on two lists, what I do not want and what I want. I found it interesting what was on both of his lists. It is more about what we get stuck in and not about money but what we can do once we have money to do those things. That struck me hard. I do not need to limit my dreams and myself. One of my entrepreneur friends has been talking about how she has changed her relationship with money. I believe all of these factors into our relationship with money. When not if we change the words we use we will change the mindset we use. How about that! The power of choice is key. I have been on a journey of educating myself to get a degree. By doing this I am empowering myself to all sorts of opportunities. It has opened my world up to the exact journey I am on today. I will complete this journey next spring.

Listening to this book I have been enlightened to the choices I have made and my choices in the future. Time, learning, and money are choices we all make. I am changing the words I use around these choices. I have made an investment in myself with my schooling and I will continue to educate myself in business. Listening to other entrepreneurs and embracing new concepts and ideas but then implementing them to improve myself. Unconsciously I continue to learn daily. Turning this into a conscious decision will help me master something new continually and my world will expand exponentially. How exciting is that! I was at a networking group this morning. An entrepreneur said to me: be you, show your passion about what you do, and have fun doing it.

Until next time…


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