Jack Continued…
Well we continue to make progress. The groundhog is still with us as he ate all of my lettuce again! I have officially given up on growing lettuce and will go to a farmers market. The rest of my garden is flourishing which makes me happy. Jack is getting better around other dogs when walking. We even walked parallel with another dog and owner and I was able to have conversation! Yay Jack!
Jack loves to be out in his fenced area. This helps me out a lot and I am so happy he has adjusted to this. It helps when there is a storm or if it is too hot to walk him. He loves to run and jump. He has so much energy. Sometimes I think he has so much he has no way to get it all out.
What happens to you when you have too much energy? For me this usually happens when I have too much going on or if I am stressing over one particular issue. Finding a healthy release can be tough. This blog has become one of my releases. Meditation is another. My vegetable garden is a big release for me. This year I am doing a ton of yard work. The physical release of working in my yard has really helped me. There have been other years where I do not even want to deal with it. How do you release your energy without it overtaking you?
The biting well this is still going on. We have a consultation with a trainer who was referred to me. So we shall see what he has to say. My neighbor who is a trainer told me this was called mouthing. It can be quite daunting at times. This is my first experience with a dog doing this. I am sure there are times when Jack is frustrated and has no other way to voice this. Other times I know he is playing but it gets to be too much. I am hoping this trainer will be able to help.
This brings me to how do you act when you are frustrated? For me it does not always come out very nicely. Most of the time I am more frustrated with myself than with others. I work on not beating myself up for my mistakes but do my best to learn from them. My attitude at times needs adjustment along the way when I am in a state of frustration. Attitude adjustments are always are process for me. Working out of a state of mind is a process for me. For Jack he seems to let go pretty easily. Why can’t we humans do the same? Oh the clutter in our brains gets in the way sometimes.
Animals really have no control over their environments. Can you imagine living this way? Having control as human beings is a large part of our comfort. When chaos ensues some of us thrive on it while others retreat. Imagine not having control?
As always I would love to hear your experiences.
Until next time…