Well Jack continues to get better. He now loves his fenced in area and loves to run! He is having fun I can see it in his eyes. He has even done his business in there. Yay for me! He does have some incentive though-there is a groundhog living under the garage and his area butts up against that side of the garage. Where as I do not want him to hurt the groundhog; if the groundhog moved out maybe I can actually pick my vegetables in my garden instead of him picking them for me. I am walking him a little less but am being cognizant of ensuring he gets at least two good walks a day.
It has taken Jack a little over two months to get the concept of his area. This leads me to have some awareness’s of my own. How long does it take me to adjust to new things in my life? Hmmm what about you? If it is a welcomed change hey no problem. If it is an unexpected or forced change well that is another story. I need to assess my awareness around this new change, go through some acceptance and acknowledge it, and then take an action whether it is to embrace this change or find another solution. All of this takes time just like Jack needs his time to adjust to change. As a pet he does not have the ability to change his circumstances. This shows in his behavior. I can truthfully admit my behavior is not always so great when it comes to change or even accepting something, which is out of my control. Sometimes I forget about those things I need to be doing for myself. Just as Jack has had his obedience training, I need to train myself.
How do you train yourself to be accepting of change? I would love to hear how others embrace change. I am sitting at my desk facing my vision boards and my reiki boards. I tend to gravitate to these to help me focus and work on solutions. For Jack when I am not home I made him a playlist on my ITunes. He has a mixture of music to help him relax and not worry about where I am and how long will he be stuck in his crate (I call it his bed not that it makes it any better for him.) He is not quite ready to be left free roaming about the house yet. There are just too many temptations for him to chew on. And he has chewed on quite a bit.
Jack has an issue with motion of any sort. He reacts very badly to the vacuum even when it is not running. So much so he broke the on/off switch thankfully in the on position. Needless to say I sweep a lot but that is quite the challenge too. But since he loves being outside I am having my “a hah” moments and doing some of this when he is outside. When you are struggling what are some of your “a ha” moments?
Until next time…